14 Best Practices To Design An Ideal Pricing Page UX

Pricing Page UX

When a user arrives at the pricing page, he has decided to purchase your product. What happens if he gets confused because the pricing needs to be clarified or if the buyer believes the price is too high for the product’s utility? He’ll leave at once and go somewhere else to buy it. 

The seller’s last chance is to persuade the buyer that they require the product and its price.

Buyers trust sellers or websites that provide clear prices and do not conceal anything, which builds trust in them for their fair dealing. This article will discuss the importance of a pricing page and how to design a perfect one.

Why Pricing Page Is Important?

The pricing page is important because it determines the rate at which purchases are made. The pricing page is where a buyer decides whether to purchase the product. As a result, designing a pricing page is as important as the price itself.

 It is the location that determines the success of a business in its true sense. A well-designed pricing page inspires customers and convinces them to make big purchases. Also, read Best Practices in Modern Web Design.

Best Practices To Design A Perfect Pricing page

1: Provide fewer plans

The pricing page should have fewer plans because adding more than three plans will cause the page to become cluttered. Products with fewer features can be priced in two or three different ways, but if the product is complicated, putting all of the plans on one page will be a mess and confuse customers. Here, you should add an extra toolbar to allow the user to choose the required plan. 

2: Show The Price In Big Digits

Assume you arrive at the pricing page to buy your favorite item but need help reading the pricing due to the small numbers. You came here to buy something, but you have to leave it.  Adding the price in large numbers makes finding and purchasing the product easier. It will undoubtedly increase revenue.

3: Provide a Discount on the New Plan

Do you intend to launch a new offer or product? Getting the user’s attention here is easy if you convince them it is unique. Make a discount offer on the new launch and watch the magic happen. Your audience will enjoy it, as well as you.

4: Make Popular Plan Attractive

Attracting people to your main product or a deal distinguishes it from others. You can do this by highlighting it in a different color or by making it appear in a bigger and different way. Also, read about Tooltips For Mobile User Interfaces.

5: Maintain A Simple And Clear Pricing Page

The repetition of information on the pricing page irritates the buyer. When a buyer reaches there, it means he can buy it and already has enough product information. However, repeating it causes him to abandon his purchase plan. As a result, only include product information and the price for which the user has come.

6: Use Bullet Points 

 Keep it simple with bullet points so everything is clear and to the point. Make it simple for the buyer to select the appropriate plan.

7: Be Creative In Adding Titles To Your Pricing Plans

Pricing plans frequently include basic, middle, and protags. If you want to stand out, be creative and include some unique headings here. You can select the ones that are relevant to your brand’s personality. That would be more effective.

8: Pricing Should be based On The Products Value

List the pricing plans based on the product values. The user should know that the price they are paying for the product is less than its value. They will buy it if they believe they are getting more for less money.

9: Increase Discounts for Large Purchases

Most websites offer substantial discounts on large purchases. And this is a fantastic marketing strategy. You can improve it by introducing a middle package with less or no discount.

 It will increase the value of your larger plan, and users will believe they made a wise choice. It will meet the needs of both the buyer and the seller.

10: Don’t Forget To Give A Free Trial

Users sometimes need clarification on whether they will receive what is promised. They want to avoid paying for something about which they are unsure. Here, free trials are effective. Free trials cover the fundamentals of the services you provide. 

It is beneficial to both the buyer and the seller. When buyers receive the necessary products, they will be satisfied that they are paying for the right thing.

11: Utilize More Colorful Visuals

Colorful visuals can relieve all of the user’s stress. Because they are paying the price, they do not want to be stressed afterward. Using appealing images with fewer words will simplify the purchase.

12: Add Currency Converter

Adding customers’ local currency is critical for business, but adding a currency converter makes it more successful. Display the product’s price in various other currencies. It exposes your company to new markets and allows it to grow. You can reach customers from all over the world.

13: Remember to Include Testimonials

Well, trusting someone for the first time is difficult. It is simple if you include testimonials from previous customers who are pleased with their purchase from you.

It will make a significant difference as proof of your credibility, including a few of these testimonials on the pricing page in a small box or bubble. You will notice a difference. Also, read about Useful Boilerplates.

14: Mentioning pricey Planes First Is Helpful

Well, if you think that selling expensive plans is difficult, you are right, but it can be easy if you keep it at the top of the list. Yes, you heard right! Users will buy the most expensive plans if you present them as the best and show them at the top of all other plans. 

Final Note

Designing a perfect pricing page is simple if you follow these guidelines. However, each website is unique and requires unique design and promotion techniques. Moreover, some things are universal, such as keeping the page’s content simple and clear.

Users want to be clear when purchasing their favorite product. They will leave immediately if the pricing page is complicated or contains repetitive information. The pricing page is not for providing product information because the user arrives after reviewing all the details. They want to pay the price and get their product or plan here.

Naomi McCarthy
Naomi McCarthy