Designing a Best Pricing Page – Keep Your Customers Interested 

pricing page design

Your pricing page, in a nutshell, is the landing page of your website that lists the many pricing options or tiers, along with the advantages and features offered in each tier, that are available to clients. The most crucial page on your website is your pricing page; without one, you risk losing conversions and earnings opportunities.

Users make their final decisions about whether to purchase your product on your pricing pages. If done correctly, it will boost your organization’s earnings. Additionally, it can provide you with a highly accurate indicator of who your users, clients, and customers are. The pricing page is your final opportunity to persuade a potential buyer that you offer the value they are willing to pay for.

In this article, we’re focusing on what makes up a pricing page, the Best practices of a perfect pricing page and critical points that determine how successful your price page is. So, let’s start with it.

What Makes up a Pricing Page?

The pricing pages combined one or more of the following elements: 

  • Every single site offers a free trial.
  • 93% provide enterprise or customizable plan choices
  • 76% provide the option to contact sales or support if you have any additional queries.                 
  • 66% of websites have a FAQs section on the pricing page.
  • 43% provide freemium plan choices.
  • 13% have a pop-up for live chat.

As it turns out, the elements that make up a pricing page don’t always correlate to pricing page success, even though most pricing pages have some or all of the above.

Instead, the study used user assessments of two critical facets to determine successful price pages:

  • Ease of comprehension and 
  • Ease of selecting a plan

The first shows how well they comprehended the various plans offered, and the second demonstrates how they would apply that knowledge to decide on the product and their needs.

Best Practices of Perfect Price Pages

The most effective pricing pages don’t need to be visually spectacular or display every feature your product offers—simplicity and sparse information frequently outperform these requirements. The most effective pricing pages all comply with a few straightforward guidelines that you may adopt for your pricing page designs:

1: Make the Design Simpler

The most excellent technique for developing any web page is simplicity. Because of this, you are keeping the page’s simplicity is one of our most crucial best practices for price pages. Removing extraneous page elements, such as the top navigation and sidebars, to leave only the core area to concentrate on is one method to simplify your pricing page.

However, it would help if you struck a balance between the need for simplicity and ensuring that clients have access to all the information they require to make an informed choice. If there is any doubt regarding what they will receive for that amount each month, it will significantly raise the likelihood that they won’t join up.

2: Create a Copy that is Simple to understand

With pricing page copy, simplicity also triumphs. The SaaS DNA research discovered that visitor understanding is essential. Thus the best pricing websites are frequently the most straightforward.

They advise you to use unambiguous language on your pricing page so that visitors understand the advantages they will receive and the cost they will incur. Give the customers the information they require because when visitors visit your page, they are already considering making a purchase:

  • What your item provides
  • How much it costs
  • What each plan includes
  • More than that can be overpowering and cause consumers to reconsider their purchase.

If you need to include more copies, place them after the previously mentioned details.

3: Highlight the Advantages

What’s in it for me? This is a question that visitors have when they arrive at your pricing page. Because of this, one of our best practices for pricing pages focuses on emphasizing the advantages for your visitors. In other words, you’re pricing tables and page language must be effective by putting their bottom line before yours.

To do that, you can:

  • Adding a header with a different colour
  • Changing the entire column to a different colour
  • Adding a box to make it stand out from the page
  • Including a second CTA

4: Provide a Free Trial

The most effective practice of all could be this one. Make sure to inform prospective clients that you provide a free plan at every stage they take. Even if it’s a free sticker, people rarely refuse freebies. Because of this, they are promoting the free trial as the most crucial pricing page component of all.

5: Develop Trust 

Visitors’ trust is one trait shared by price pages that convert: this. It is a crucial component in marketing. The only catch is that your method matters. You should let them know there is a backup strategy if they don’t like your product or service as an ethical marketer. However, it turns out those giving visitors too many cautionary statements can backfire by turning them off before they even make a decision.

Instead, naturally, place your trust-builders on the page. These consist of the following:

  • Trustmarks that attest to the security of their data
  • A refund promise or other assurance
  • Social evidence in the form of endorsements

6: Live Chat Support for the Sale

Live chat is a fantastic tool for providing customer service to visitors. According to the study, 38% of those who had the chance to ask pre-sales questions ended up becoming clients.

To eliminate pre-sales obstacles in your marketing and persuade customers that they are selecting wisely, live chat will assist you in identifying some of these concerns.

7: Currency Conversion

The world is their market, but that does not mean online buyers are willing to spend in every currency. In reality, most online buyers prefer to have pricing listed in their currency so they are sure of the final price.

You can either manually price things for various website versions or use an app to run this process automatically. If you use Shopify, for instance, you can utilize a currency conversion program to handle the hard job on your behalf. Related Article, Best CSS Practices for Beginners.

How Successful is Your Price Page?

Since pricing is a process, there’s still a good possibility you won’t get it exactly right the first time, even if you follow all five best practices. How can you tell if your pricing page is genuinely serving its purpose?

It all comes down to data, as usual. Customer surveys are excellent for refining your pricing page early on.  Still, after you start down the path of website optimization, these quantifiable metrics will help you understand how you’re doing:

Time Spent on page

Visitors taking a quarter of an hour to read your lengthy pricing page? To ensure potential consumers can quickly locate the proper tier for their needs, a longer time on the page can frequently hint that you need to simplify your design and connect your stages with buyer profiles.

Bouncing Rate

Leaving your pricing page as soon as they arrive may need to be changed. Either your lack of transparency over cost is turning them off, or the price does not reflect your product’s value to the customer.

Rate of Conversion

Conversions are defined as “a person clicking X button”—typically a call-to-action button to sign up for a trial, a premium account, or request a demo—on your price page. Low conversion rates are an obvious indication that your pricing page isn’t working as well as it should. Related Article, Guide to Create HTML Email With Best Practices.


I’m hoping you can see how important even the pricing page is. Before becoming a customer, a user goes through a very long period, and the pricing page is typically one of the turning moments.

Build your pricing page carefully; it’s one of the essential facets of a customer’s purchasing decision. Keep the design simple and user-friendly, and test it frequently. Your business will quickly experience an increase in leads coming in from the pricing page, improving conversions and increasing income.

Naomi McCarthy
Naomi McCarthy