Best Practices With CSS Grid Layout in 2024

CSS Grid Layout

Web developers work harder to make web content more user-friendly. However, they need help making the items in order while adding multiple columns and rows. CSS Grid layout solved their issue. 

You can customize the size and position of your content with this CSS grid layout. It helps to arrange the content in order with columns and rows. Designers use grid layouts to choose the best design for web pages for a better user experience. 

Moreover, it is critical to understand the best practices for creating web pages with CSS Grid layout to sharpen your developer skills. This article will guide you about Grid layouts and how and where to use them to improve your content structure. Let’s dive into the article to learn more about it. 

Why Should We Choose CSS Grid Layout?

The purpose of web content is to attract more and more users. But, it is only possible if the content is well-structured and easy to understand. That is why it is important to be careful while reordering the document. Because sometimes it can destroy the purpose and will not reach the target audience.

 The grid layout is useful here. Choosing a Grid layout is the best option because it will visually rearrange the document without disturbing the contextual positioning of the content.  

While creating a web page, it is important to consider that it will appear on multiple screens. The grid layout will take care of it, and the text appears in perfect order on all screens. So it creates the best user experience. 

Rearranging With CSS Grid

Grid layout makes it easy to rearrange the content on the web, but it is hard to rearrange it into two dimensions. However, the CSS Grid layout makes it possible as most web documents have similar designs. They have a header, middle content, and footer. But the problem starts when one or two additional columns are added to the content. 

The purpose of web content is to appear on the top page but using columns on both sides of the content makes it impossible. It becomes a hurdle in content appearing on the top when the topic has been searched online. Grid layout can easily fix this problem by reordering the content and columns in a specific way. 

The best part is that this reordering will not affect the document’s structure and will remain in perfect shape.

Accessibility With CSS

CSS Grid layout aids us in keeping our web page accessible for all users. Users open web pages on various devices like desktop computers and mobile phones. On these devices, web pages will look different. So it is not easy to keep things on track, but CSS Grid layout can fix it well. 

It keeps the content in order even if the user opens it on a small screen or the large one. Grid layout will bring the content the way the user wants to read. 

How To Choose The Best Grid Layouts For A Webpage?

While choosing the best grid layout for your page, you should know what suits you more. Various grid layouts can attract you, but choosing the appropriate one takes work. 

Here are a few things you should know before choosing the grid layouts. It will help you in choosing the right one for your site.

Implicit And Explicit Grid Layout

When we create a grid using grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows is known as an Explicit grid layout. An explicit grid is used when you have the whole idea of the position of your grid lines and content on the web page. The implicit grid uses grid-template-column to define the number of columns in the grid while creating rows automatically. 

We use an implicit grid layout to bring a new item outside the grid. Implicit grid layout allows us to control the size and place of the columns in our content. On the contrary explicit gird is the best option for those who know exactly the size of their content and the number of rows and columns. 

In implicit grids, we also use grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns to size the track on our web page. It allows us to choose the size of our columns and rows.  

Choosing The Right Sizing In Grid Layout

Whether you choose an explicit or implicit grid, it is important to track the sizing of columns and rows properly. Although we work hard to create quality content, the structure matters most. To keep the structure proper, we need to adjust the size of rows and columns according to the size of our content.  

Grid layout makes it easier with its function of min-max(). When you need to adjust the size of the content along with the rows and columns, use min-max(). It will stretch the size of rows and columns to give space for the content.   

Positioning In Gird Layout

Positioning in a grid layout is much easier as you place one or two items, and the rest will be placed automatically. Here you do not need to position everything in its place because the grid auto-placement feature will keep the content in good order. 

However, do not disconnect from the visual display of the content to prevent any sudden misplacement. Because adding new items to a document can change the order because the grid places them incorrectly.

Grid Layout Combination With Other Layouts 

There are many other types of layouts that most of you must have been using for ages. But the grid layout differs from those because it is designed for two-dimensional layouts where most other layouts failed to work. But you can go for other types.

 Flexbox is one of the best when we use it for a one-dimensional layout. If CSS makes ordering the element of webpages easier, Flexbox makes the alignment much easier. Choosing any of these will give similar results if it fits your sites. 

Grid Layout Conjunction With Old Browsers

Some old browsers do not support a grid, which makes designing difficult. However, there are ways to make these browsers understand the grid. If a browser does not know the meaning of grid-template-column, you can change it to display: table cells. The browser will understand what it has to do. 

However, modern browsers understand the CSS instructions. You will find the IE10 and IE11 as support for the original spec with the prefix -ms. 

Wrapping Up

CSS Grid is a new type of layout for organizing web content so that it becomes user-friendly. However, this does not imply that other layouts are not good. Designers have used all other layouts, including Flexbox, for years, but they are all one-dimensional. 

When dealing with the design of a web page with multiple columns and rows, the order of the web page changes unintentionally. CSS Grid is designed for two-dimensional handling layouts. CSS grid works with other CSS components, such as flexbox CSS, to properly complete the layout. 

Naomi McCarthy
Naomi McCarthy