7 Best Practices for Mobile Form Design That Sell Like Crazy

Practices for Mobile Form Design

Online forms are required for e-commerce businesses. You may have filled out forms while shopping online, which can sometimes be a pain. Filling out these forms is difficult for a variety of reasons. If the mobile form is well-designed, it will perform better here. Because of their functionality, mobile forms are distinct from other devices. These are simple to view and fill out, which makes them more useful for websites.

Today’s designers focus on making these mobile forms easier for a better user experience. The majority of users fill out the forms without paying much attention. The more streamlined the mobile form design, the more likely it is to increase sales.

This article will discuss the simple method of making mobile forms conveniently filled by more and more users. Related Article: Useful VS Code Extensions.

How Can We Improve Mobile Forms?

The primary goal of the mobile form is for users to fill it out. It is only possible when the task is straightforward. A complicated form will aggravate the user. They could leave it empty or partially filled. Here are a few best practices to consider when designing a mobile form.

Best Practices for Mobile Form Design

Maintain a Simple and Precise Form

The length and content of the form are the first things a user will notice before filling it out. If the content is simple and clear, it will likely be filled. Mobile users frequently complete forms outside of the home or office. They could be at the market, on a bus, or flying. These locations have distractions, and users may need to focus more, which increases the likelihood of abandoning the form. 

Simple and short forms will reduce the likelihood of forms going unfilled. However, this does not imply that the essential questions should be omitted. You should eliminate unnecessary content and only ask the most pertinent questions.

Add Autofill And Autocorrect Functions

Including autofill and autocorrect features in a mobile form design can simplify the user’s purchase. Autocorrect will be handy when a user fills out a form and misspells something. Similarly, whenever a user begins filling out the form to purchase your product, an autofill option appears to fill the form with previously saved information, saving a lot of user time and making purchasing much easier.

Divide Large Forms Into Stages

Some forms are interminably long and need to be condensed. It is impossible to cut any necessary information, but you can divide these into small steps. Users will find it simple to fill it in chunks.

These forms can include a progress bar to show users how far they have progressed after completing each stage.

Users Should Not be forced to create an Account

Most E-commerce websites require users to create an account before making a purchase, which reduces their purchases. No one wants to or has time to create accounts on every website. You can request that they create an account after making a purchase, but keep it optional.

Do Not Add Drop Down Menus

Drop-down menus can make the user experience worse on the small screen. Mobile forms with long drop menus must be clarified for the user, or they may be redirected to another page. Instead, include an autocomplete option in which the user enters the value, and the drop-down list finds the required option.

Use Single Column List For Mobile Forms

Mobile form designs should have only one column because the mobile screen is too short for multiple columns. Users need to scroll the screen often to view it. It will increase their frustration. To avoid it, use a single-column layout for mobile form designs.

It will keep the form simple, and the user can easily focus on it because keeping the content in steps will prevent content from mixing. It will look better and less confusing. And they will finish it quickly without any hurdles. Related Article, Best Practices with CSS Grid Layout.

Don’t Forget About the Forms Appearance

Although content is important, appearance can also influence customer retention. More users will be impressed by a mobile form with a clear and consistent appearance. Maintain consistency in form formatting and color, and style. It will give users a positive impression of your brand.

They are more likely to finish it, get to the end, and discover more interesting things about your brand. You can improve the appearance of your form by including a few items. You can include images to present your products beautifully. Add an Aesteric sign with the questions to help users know that these questions must be answered.

Consider Touch Function While Designing Mobile Forms

When designing mobile forms, keep the touch function in mind. Smartphones operate differently than laptop computers. As a result, when designing mobile forms, keep the following points in mind.

  • The touch function works differently on small screens, so leave enough space between the text to avoid confusion. 
  • The text font and size should be readable so that users do not have to zoom in whenever they try to fill it up.
  •  Adding pop-ups to get to the bottom of the form will make it even smarter and faster.

Make Use Of Input Constraints In Mobile Forms

Including relevant input, constraints prevent users from making errors. Users may require more product knowledge or more time to consider them. For example, when users need to fill out a form but need clarification on whether it requires alphabets and numbers, a keyboard appears to assist them. Users will appreciate it because it saves them time and effort.

Make Use Of Smart Phones Features

Smartphones have a plethora of features that make online business simple. For example, if a user must pay with a credit card, entering the credit card information using small screen buttons is a real pain. There are numerous scanning apps available for mobile devices. It makes it simpler to take a clear picture of the card with the phone’s camera.

Including a biometric feature in mobile forms is also beneficial for users. Because people frequently forget their passwords, which is why mobile developers are emphasizing the use of this feature when designing forms for small screens. As a result, instead of memorizing complex passwords, users must use their fingerprints. 

Collect Confirmation And Feedback

Everyone makes mistakes, and users may make them while completing forms. Including a confirmation option in your mobile form design will assist users in determining whether they are entering the correct information. It makes it simple for them to correct their errors.  

Finishing Up

Many users nowadays fill out forms on their mobile phones. Mobile phones are convenient for users and businesses because they allow people to make purchases anywhere. However, making these forms mobile-friendly is preferable for better results. 

On the contrary, you will lose the opportunity to make large sales. All of the above practices will assist you in creating mobile-friendly forms. You will gain the user’s trust and end up with good sales.

Naomi McCarthy
Naomi McCarthy